trellis school

school details


Every Friday, all day.

September 5th, 2025 - June 12th, 2026

*Includes Weekend Retreats.



Cost includes Fridays, Retreats,

Resources + Guest Teachers/Leaders


Ages 18+

The application form has 3 sections.

*Personal Information, Community Expectations and a Doctrine Agreement.

Deadline: August 24th, 2025

what is the trellis school

The Trellis School is a discipleship school dedicated to equipping students to live a life rooted in Jesus. Partnering with local churches, we gather every Friday for a full day of worship, teaching, prayer, and spiritual practices, creating space to encounter the presence of God. Students will learn from a variety of teachers representing different churches, gaining a rich and well-rounded perspective on following Jesus. However, the heart of the Trellis School goes beyond what happens on Fridays—students will be trained to take what they experience and implement it into their daily lives, forming rhythms that shape them into lifelong disciples of Jesus.

Students at the Trellis School will be given practical homework and challenges aimed at helping them integrate the way of Jesus into their daily lives. These assignments will go beyond theory, encouraging students to practice spiritual practices, serve others, and intentionally engage their community. Since this is a school designed for real-life discipleship, students are also expected to work part-time, learning how to follow Jesus faithfully amongst their everyday responsibilities.

Rooted in a family-centered environment, the Trellis School takes place in a home, creating an atmosphere of warmth, authenticity, and fellowship. More than just a place of learning, the goal is not just knowledge but transformation—cultivating disciples who walk closely with God, build up the Church and impact the world around them.

At the Trellis Centre, we believe in holistic discipleship—following Jesus with our whole lives, not just in spiritual practices but in how we care for our bodies, minds, and relationships. Discipleship also includes rhythms of rest, exercise, nutrition, how we use technology, and social and emotional health. As part of the school, students will be encouraged to develop sustainable habits that honor God in every area of life, from getting proper rest and nourishing their bodies to fostering healthy relationships and emotional well-being. By cultivating these rhythms, we aim to train disciples who are not only spiritually strong but also physically and emotionally resilient, equipped to live out the way of Jesus in every aspect of life.

example friday:

*Note this is just an example. Schedule will vary from week to week.

*Our days together are anchored by the practices of the early Church in Acts 2:42. The apostle’s teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers.

8:30 - Corporate Worship Together

9:00 - Personal Scripture Meditation, Sharing + Prayer

10:30 - Break

10:45 - Teaching Session

11:30 - Response/Reflection to Teaching

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Shaya discussion question of the day

1:15 - Small Groups

2:30 - Break

3:00 - Personal quiet/reflection time

3:30 - Weekly/Monthly Homework Discussion

4:00 - Communion

4:30 - End of Day